

Topic overview#

In this lesson you will learn about the concept of sequence alignment. You will learn how to use BLAST via the web-based interface from the NCBI and via the command line. You will also learn how to perform multiple sequence alignment.

Learning objectives#

Learning objective 1 - You are able to use the BLAST software to align sequences against one another and search for similarity in sequence databases

  • LO 1.1 - You use the BLAST web interface to perform a pairwise alignment

  • LO 1.2 - You inspect and interpret the results of a pairwise alignment

  • LO 1.3 - You search for alignments to a query sequence

  • LO 1.4 - You run BLAST algorithms on the command line to perform alignments and search for alignments

Learning objective 2 - You comprehend the challenges of multiple sequence alignment and recognise different approaches to the problem

  • LO 2.1 - You perform multiple sequence alignment on the command line with software such as MUSCLE

  • LO 2.2 - You inspect the output of multiple alignment and interpret the quality