Clear home directory#
Congratulation! We are at the end of the Unix-Refresher. It would be good if you start the Concept Course in Bioinformatics with a clean home directory. Therefore, try to use your refreshed skills and remove the directories and files we created during the Refresher from your home directory.
Exercise 0.10
Clear out your home directory
# Making sure you are in your home folder
# Removing files, we created
rm cds_headers.txt
rm E.coli_CDS.fna
rm error.log
rm example_error.log
rm example_out.log
rm GCF_000482265.1_EC_K12_MG1655_Broad_SNP_genomic.fna
rm named_cds.txt
rm out.log
# Removing the three directories we created
rm -r genomes
rm -r in_class
rm -r dir1
rm -r dir2
rm -r ecoli
Note: You could have removed multiple files using the /* wildcard. We avoided this because we are not sure which other files you have in your home directory.