Clear home directory

Clear home directory#

Congratulation! We are at the end of the Unix-Refresher. It would be good if you start the Concept Course in Bioinformatics with a clean home directory. Therefore, try to use your refreshed skills and remove the directories and files we created during the Refresher from your home directory.

Exercise 0.10

  • Clear out your home directory

# Making sure you are in your home folder

# Removing files, we created
rm cds_headers.txt
rm E.coli_CDS.fna
rm error.log
rm example_error.log
rm example_out.log
rm GCF_000482265.1_EC_K12_MG1655_Broad_SNP_genomic.fna
rm named_cds.txt
rm out.log

# Removing the three directories we created
rm -r genomes
rm -r in_class
rm -r dir1
rm -r dir2
rm -r ecoli

Note: You could have removed multiple files using the /* wildcard. We avoided this because we are not sure which other files you have in your home directory.