FAQ - common questions

Q: Which systems does the profiling tool run on?
A: Linux and macOS.

Q: Where do I find the mOTUs v2 source code?
A: The source code of the latest development version can be found on our public github repository.

Q: What does 'padded' mean in the database name?
A: 'padded' refers to that the marker gene sequences in the database has been extended with up to 100 bp at each end. It is done this way to ensure that reads close to the end of gene sequences also map to the genes. The '.coord' file has information where the genes start and end, and this file is parsed when calculating the exact coverages.

Q: How do I get most out of multithreading?
A: mOTUs_v2 is using multithreading to accelerate the alignment step. Alignments are directly filtered by length and percent identity. In our experience we get a linear rate of speed-up when using up to 8 cores. Requesting more cores can be useful but largely depends on your system setup. When multiple samples have to be analysed it will most likely be faster to split resources between those jobs and run them in parallel.

Q: Where do I find the first version of mOTU?
A: The first version of the mOTUs tool can be found here