{"subreports":[],"report":[["Genome statistics",[{"values":["98.133","98.425","98.596","98.601"],"quality":"More is better","isMain":true,"metricName":"Genome fraction (%)"},{"values":["1.000","1.000","1.001","1.001"],"quality":"Less is better","isMain":true,"metricName":"Duplication ratio"},{"values":["7529 + 85 part","7559 + 67 part","7539 + 105 part","7540 + 103 part"],"quality":"More is better","isMain":true,"metricName":"# genes"},{"values":[445563,505920,350746,350746],"quality":"More is better","isMain":true,"metricName":"Largest alignment"},{"values":[8447074,8471293,8492537,8493253],"quality":"More is better","isMain":true,"metricName":"Total aligned length"},{"values":[143914,217699,144335,131456],"quality":"More is better","isMain":false,"metricName":"NG50"},{"values":[79029,98944,64299,62113],"quality":"More is better","isMain":false,"metricName":"NG75"},{"values":[143914,198969,144083,125159],"quality":"More is better","isMain":false,"metricName":"NA50"},{"values":[85907,103468,61973,61722],"quality":"More is better","isMain":false,"metricName":"NA75"},{"values":[143431,198969,144083,125159],"quality":"More is better","isMain":true,"metricName":"NGA50"},{"values":[78885,98938,61722,57545],"quality":"More is better","isMain":false,"metricName":"NGA75"},{"values":[17,12,19,20],"quality":"Less is better","isMain":false,"metricName":"LG50"},{"values":[36,27,41,43],"quality":"Less is better","isMain":false,"metricName":"LG75"},{"values":[17,13,20,21],"quality":"Less is better","isMain":false,"metricName":"LA50"},{"values":[36,28,42,44],"quality":"Less is better","isMain":false,"metricName":"LA75"},{"values":[18,13,20,21],"quality":"Less is better","isMain":true,"metricName":"LGA50"},{"values":[38,29,43,45],"quality":"Less is better","isMain":false,"metricName":"LGA75"}]],["Misassemblies",[{"values":[5,6,9,8],"quality":"Less is better","isMain":true,"metricName":"# misassemblies"},{"values":[5,5,5,4],"quality":"Less is better","isMain":false,"metricName":" # 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{{ qualities }}
{{ mainMetrics }}
{{ operonsInContigs }}
[{{ num_contigs }},
{{ Largest_alignment }},
{{ Total_aligned_length }},
{{ num_misassemblies }},
{{ Misassembled_contigs_length }},
{{ num_mismatches_per_100_kbp }},
{{ num_indels_per_100_kbp }},
{{ num_N's_per_100_kbp }},
{{ Genome_fraction }},
{{ Duplication_ratio }},
{{ NGA50 }}]
{{ allMisassemblies }}
{{ krona }}
{"links_names":["View in Icarus contig browser"],"links":["icarus_viewers/alignment_viewer.html"]}
"# contigs" : "is the total number of contigs in the assembly.",
"Largest contig" : "is the length of the longest contig in the assembly.",
"Total length" : "is the total number of bases in the assembly.",
"Reference length" : "is the total number of bases in the reference.",
"# contigs (>= 0 bp)" : "is the total number of contigs in the assembly that have size greater than or equal to 0 bp.",
"Total length (>= 0 bp)" : "is the total number of bases in the contigs having size greater than or equal to 0 bp.",
"N50" : "is the contig length such that using longer or equal length contigs produces half (50%) of the bases of the assembly. Usually there is no value that produces exactly 50%, so the technical definition is the maximum length x such that using contigs of length at least x accounts for at least 50% of the total assembly length.",
"NG50" : "is the contig length such that using longer or equal length contigs produces half (50%) of the bases of the reference genome. This metric is computed only if a reference genome is provided.",
"N75" : "is the contig length such that using longer or equal length contigs produces 75% of the bases of the assembly. Usually there is no value that produces exactly 75%, so the technical definition is the maximum length x such that using contigs of length at least x accounts for at least 75% of the total assembly length.",
"NG75" : "is the contig length such that using longer or equal length contigs produces 75% of the bases of the reference genome. This metric is computed only if a reference genome is provided.",
"L50" : "is the minimum number of contigs that produce half (50%) of the bases of the assembly. In other words, it's the number of contigs of length at least N50.",
"LG50" : "is the minimum number of contigs that produce half (50%) of the bases of the reference genome. In other words, it's the number of contigs of length at least NG50. This metric is computed only if a reference genome is provided.",
"L75" : "is the minimum number of contigs that produce 75% of the bases of the assembly. In other words, it's the number of contigs of length at least N75.",
"LG75" : "is the minimum number of contigs that produce 75% of the bases of the reference genome. In other words, it's the number of contigs of length at least NG75. This metric is computed only if a reference genome is provided.",
"NA50" : "is N50 where the lengths of aligned blocks are counted instead of contig lengths. I.e., if a contig has a misassembly with respect to the reference, the contig is broken into smaller pieces. This metric is computed only if a reference genome is provided.",
"NGA50" : "is NG50 where the lengths of aligned blocks are counted instead of contig lengths. I.e., if a contig has a misassembly with respect to the reference, the contig is broken into smaller pieces. This metric is computed only if a reference genome is provided.",
"NA75" : "is N75 where the lengths of aligned blocks are counted instead of contig lengths. I.e., if a contig has a misassembly with respect to the reference, the contig is broken into smaller pieces. This metric is computed only if a reference genome is provided.",
"NGA75" : "is NG75 where the lengths of aligned blocks are counted instead of contig lengths. I.e., if a contig has a misassembly with respect to the reference, the contig is broken into smaller pieces. This metric is computed only if a reference genome is provided.",
"LA50" : "is L50 where aligned blocks are counted instead of contigs. I.e., if a contig has a misassembly with respect to the reference, the contig is broken into smaller pieces.",
"LGA50" : "is LG50 where aligned blocks are counted instead of contigs. I.e., if a contig has a misassembly with respect to the reference, the contig is broken into smaller pieces.",
"LA75" : "is L75 where aligned blocks are counted instead of contigs. I.e., if a contig has a misassembly with respect to the reference, the contig is broken into smaller pieces.",
"LGA75" : "is LG75 where aligned blocks are counted instead of contigs. I.e., if a contig has a misassembly with respect to the reference, the contig is broken into smaller pieces.",
"Average %IDY" : "is the average of alignment identity percent (Nucmer measure of alignment accuracy) among all contigs.",
"# misassemblies" : "is the number of positions in the assembled contigs where the left flanking sequence aligns over 1 kbp away from the right flanking sequence on the reference (relocation) or they overlap on more than 1 kbp (relocation) or flanking sequences align on different strands (inversion) or different chromosomes (translocation).",
"# misassembled contigs" : "is the number of contigs that contain misassembly events.",
"Misassembled contigs length" : "is the number of total bases contained in all contigs that have one or more misassemblies.",
"# relocations" : "is the number of relocation events among all misassembly events. Relocation is a misassembly where the left flanking sequence aligns over 1 kbp away from the right flanking sequence on the reference, or they overlap by more than 1 kbp and both flanking sequences align on the same chromosome.",
"# translocations" : "is the number of translocation events among all misassembly events. Translocation is a misassembly where the flanking sequences align on different chromosomes.",
"# interspecies translocations" : "is the number of interspecies translocation events among all misassembly events. Interspecies translocation is a misassembly where the flanking sequences align on different references (based on alignments to the combined reference).",
"# inversions" : "is the number of inversion events among all misassembly events. Inversion is a misassembly where it is not a relocation and the flanking sequences align on opposite strands of the same chromosome.",
"# local misassemblies" : "is the number of local misassemblies. We define a local misassembly breakpoint as a breakpoint that satisfies these conditions:
- Two or more distinct alignments cover the breakpoint.
- The gap between left and right flanking sequences is less than 1 kbp.
- The left and right flanking sequences both are on the same strand of the same chromosome of the reference genome.