Data Wrangling

If you are working on Euler then the required files are located at /cluster/home/fieldc/session3

A lot of time and effort in bioinformatics is spent arranging data in the correct way or correct format. Consequently, it is very useful to know how to do filter and rearrange data files. In these exercises we will learn some of the commands we use to do this.

sort will sort each line of a file, alphabetically by default, but other options are available.

# Sort some example files
sort /science/teaching/sort_words.txt
sort -n /science/teaching/sort_nums.txt

cut allows you to extract a single column of data from a file, for instance a .csv or .tsv file.

# Look at some experimental metadata and extract the column we are interested in
less /science/teaching/metadata.tsv
cut -f 4 /science/teaching/metadata.tsv

paste allows you to put data from different files into columns of the same file.

# Put together two files into one
paste /science/teaching/sort_words.txt /science/teaching/sort_nums.txt

tr will replace a given character set with another character set, but to use it properly you need to know how to combine commands (below).

# For instance, this command requires you to type the input in
tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
# Then try typing AN UPPER CASE SENTENCE

# It can also be used to delete characters
tr -d 'a'
# Then try typing a sentence with the letter 'a' in it.

# Remember to exit a program that is running use Ctrl-C

uniq compresses adjacent repeated lines into one line, and is best used with sort when combining commands (see below)

# Look at a file and remove adjacent repeated lines
less /science/teaching/uniq_nums.txt
uniq /science/teaching/uniq_nums.txt

# Count how many times each value is repeated
uniq -c /science/teaching/uniq_nums.txt


  • Use the sort examples above and see what happens when you try to sort the sort_nums.txt file without the -n flag

  • Look at the file /science/teaching/sort_tab.txt

  • Extract the second column of this file using cut

  • Looking at the manual for sort, can you figure out how to sort sort_tab.txt according to the second column, or ‘key’?

  • Use paste to combine the two files sort_words.txt and sort_nums.txt into a single two-column output

  • Use tr so that when you enter the word banana it comes out as rococo

  • Use the uniq examples above, then check with uniq -c that each line in sort_tab.txt is unique

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Combining Commands

The power of this set of commands comes when you use them together, and when you can save your manipulated data into a file. To understand how to do this we have to think about the command line understands input and output data.

Input and Output

So far we have been using files as arguments for the commands we have practiced. The computer looks at the memory where the file is stored and then passes it through RAM to the processor, where it can perform whatever you have asked it to. We have seen output on the terminal, but it’s equally possible to store that output in memory, as a file. Similarly, if we want to use the output of one command as the input to a second command, we can bypass the step where we make an intermediate file.

The command line understands this in terms of data streams, which are communication channels you can direct to/from files or further commands:

 stdin: the standard data input stream
stdout: the standard data output stream (defaults to appearing on the terminal)
stderr: the standard error stream (also defaults to the terminal)

Although you can usually give files as input to a program through an argument, you can also use stdin. Further, you can redirect the output of stdout and stderr to files of your choice.

# Using the standard streams
head < E.coli.fna                  # send the file to head via stdin using '<'
head E.coli.fna > E.coli_head.fna  # send stdout to a new file using '>'
head E.coli.fna 2> E.coli_err.fna  # send stderr to a new file using '2>'
head E.coli.fna &> Ecoli_both.fna  # send both stdout and stderr to the same file using '&>'

Chaining programs together

Sometimes you want to take the output of one program and use it in another – for instance, run grep on only the first 10 lines of a file from head. This is a procedure known as piping and requires you to put the | character in between commands (although this may not work with more complex programs).

# Piping
head E.coli.fna | grep "ACGT"                  # send the output of head to grep and search
grep -A 1 ">" E.coli_CDS.fna | grep -c "^ATG"  # use grep to find the first line of sequence of each gene and send it to a second grep to see if the gene starts with ATG


  • Locate (and copy to your home folder if necessary) the E. coli coding sequences file /science/teaching/ecoli/GCF_000482265.1_EC_K12_MG1655_Broad_SNP_cds_from_genomic.fna

  • Use grep to find all of the fasta headers in this file, remember that a fasta header line starts with ‘>’

  • Send the output of this search to a new file called cds_headers.txt

  • Use grep again to find only the headers with gene name information, which looks like, for instance [gene=lacZ], and save the results in another new file called named_cds.txt

  • Use wc to count how many lines are in the file you made

  • Now repeat this exercise without making the intermediate files, instead using pipes

As an additional challenge:

  • Using the commands we have used, find the start codon of each gene in E. coli and then count up the frequency of the different start codons.

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