RepFail study metadata summary¶
Learning Goals¶
Use the metadata associated with the RepFail study to obtain an overview of the available data and underlying data structure
Go to \\gram\biol_micro_practical\BlockCourses\551-1119-00L\masterdata\metadata
in order to download the metadata for the RepFail study. The file is called MFV_metadata_block_course_HS2020.xlsx
Load the metadata file into r (you might have to save it as a tab-delimited .txt file first) and use base-R, tidyverse and ggplot2 to answer the following questions:
Hint: all the variables in the metadata are explained in the second tab of the excel-sheet.
How many labs are included in the study?
How many different types of samples are included in the metadata and how many samples per sample type do we have?
How many male and female mice were included in the study per lab?
What is the mean body weight of males and female mice within different labs? How does this differ depending on what measure of body weight you take?
What is the number of cages per lab?
Create a histogram of number of reads per sample. For this you will also need to import the ASV/OTU table into R
You can find a summary of the study design here