# We analysed a Millepora metagenome (TARA_CO-0003230_METAG) as a potential source of Acanthopleuribacter-like lineages # Metadata for the sample availabe in TARA_CO-0003230_METAG-metadata.tsv # # The illumina raw metagenomic reads were processed and assembled as described in Paoli et al. 2022. # The resulting assembly was binned with MetaBAT2 (v2.15, with parameters --minContig 2000 --maxEdges 500 -x 1 --minClsSize 200000) # # Among the resulting bins we identified two Acidobacteria MAGs (TARA_CO-0003230_METAG-taxonomy.tsv, genomes in TARA_CO-0003230_METAG-genomes) using GTDB-Tk v2.1.0 and GTDB r207. # One of them (TARA_CO-0003230_METAG-metabat2.24) belonging to the Acanthopleuribacteraceae family. # # This Acanthopleuribacteraceae MAG is of high quality (91.88% completeness and 0.85% contamination, see TARA_CO-0003230_METAG-checkm.tsv) and good integrity (79 scaffolds, longest >370kb, N50 ~150kb, see TARA_CO-0003230_METAG-stats.tsv). Estimates were computed with CheckM v1.2.0. # However, there is not 16S seqeuence (the operon breaks in the middle of the 23S and the 16S fragments are not recovered). # # Using antiSMASH v6.1.1 we predicted the BGCs (available in TARA_CO-0003230_METAG-antismash/TARA_CO-0003230_METAG-metabat2.24-antismash) and found 42 regions (although a handfull are only fragments), including 7 transAT PKS. # # The second Acidobacteria MAG is from a different lineage (c__Thermoanaerobaculia) but is also of good quality and endoces many BGCs, although no transAT PKS, and mostly RiPPs.